Friday, March 12, 2010

Stop Sign Ticket – How to Beat a Stop Sign Ticket

Stop Sign Ticket – How to Beat a Stop Sign Ticket

Did you get stopped for rolling through a stop sign? Or did the officer say you stopped “over the line”? Angry about that stop sign ticket? Would you like it to be dismissed? How much money would you save if you didn't have to pay that fine?

You may have seen lawyers and ebooks telling you how to beat a speeding ticket. The methods they teach are gamble: fabricate evidence that may or may not be true and hope the judge buys it and lets you off! They usually talk about speeding tickets, but don't often talk about how to beat a stop sign ticket, but if they did it would be more of the same game, the same gamble you may or may not win, depending on which side of the bed the judge woke up on that morning.

Not even one of the other 'evidence gathering' methods tells you how to beat ANY traffic ticket 100% of the time.

Lucky for you, you found the only place on the web where you can get that stop sign ticket dismissed as it has for many, many others with 100% success! Not only that, you don't have to argue where the line was, where your tires were, the credentials of the officer writing the ticket or any other hearsay passed as evidence.

How would you rather use your time:
A. Weeks of guesswork and footwork that may or may not pay off?
B. A few hours of work to assure your freedom and save you hundreds of dollars?

I know, silly question, still there are people who would go to great lengths because they know they are innocent, can't or don't want to pay the fine, or just want to prove that officer dead wrong!

You may identify with one of those descriptions, but I think you are smarter than that. I think instead of arguing meaningless details, you'd rather stand up for your rights.

So let me ask you, if you knew without a doubt that your rights were being infringed on, wouldn't you want to know which rights those were and how to defend them? Of course you would, we all would, it's one of the great privileges of living in this great country. And that is why this program was created, to support you in how to stand up for your rights, how to beat your stop sign ticket without a lawyer.

That's right, not even the most expensive lawyer you can find knows this method. Believe it or not, lawyers are not representing you for your sake. Even though you pay them, the actually represent the court and there in court with you to support the court working the way the judge wants the court to operate. A traffic court attorney gets paid by the hour, not by the judgement. The only one in the courtroom who can stand up for your rights is you!

And it was you who, forcibly, signed the “Notice To Appear”. By doing that, you contracted with the court to appear in court or pay the amount they've requested.

So you appear, but what do you say? If you only had a magic script with the words to speak that would protect your rights and a document that would allow you to pass right through their system...

Would you like to know how to circumvent that contract and have the whole process dismissed?

Alright, I'm glad you are still reading, we're going to get you through this, don't worry.

The first step is: Don't Enter a Plea!

Why? As soon as you enter a plea (yes, even Not Guilty!) you are contracting with the court and you are subject to sanctions associate with your stop sign ticket: posting bail, escalating fines, and you could lose your driver's license.

How Do I Not Enter a Plea?

Great question, because they will ask you over and over, “Mr./Ms. Ticket Holder, how do you plea?” They tell you that you have only three choices: Guilty or No Contest(Nolo Contendre) which are basically the same, or Not Guilty, which still has you guilty until proven innocent.

And even if you able to avert the question and not enter a plea, they will enter one for you! At the end of the hearing the bailiff will hand you a document with a little NG written in the corner. The court entered a plea of Not Guilty for you so that they could have you come back for another chance to get money out of you.

But if you hand them a magic document we've prepared especially for your stop sign ticket, where you put your name and ticket number into, and say the right things from the stop sign ticket script we've written for you, the process becomes ridiculously easy.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Speeding Ticket Secrets: How To Get ANY Speeding Ticket Safely Dismissed!

There are a lot of opinions on how to beat a speeding ticket!

Except for one, all the 'how to beat a speeding ticket' information is based on trying to prove the speed gun wrong, hoping the officer that wrote the speeding ticket doesn't show up, gathering facts at 'the scene' where the speeding ticket was written, studying endless facts and meaningless details about everything from befriending the speeding ticket officer and 'try to look sad' to how radar guns are calibrated against speeding tickets.

But the thing that really struck me was, after hours, days, weeks, and MONTHS of studying all the speeding ticket garbage I could stomach, there is still a HUGE chance it was all for not, that I might still have to pay speeding ticket fines AND have to go to traffic school with the points on my driving record.

After turning the web upside down (google stopped giving me results for traffic ticket and started showing me results for 'obsessed'), there were no real guarantees that anything would work in every speeding ticket case. I decided that mediocre guesswork results when it came to beating a speeding ticket were not acceptable. Going into traffic court still felt sleezy and slimy somehow, with a creepy feeling that I was getting the short end of the speeding ticket stick in some unknown way, that my rights were being trampled on by the traffic court and I had no clue what to do about it.

And then one day I stumbled across a speeding ticket secret! The only way that I've found, after months of research, that shows me how to get out of any speeding ticket, any traffic ticket, any parking ticket, while maintaining my rights, and it works 100% of the time. Unbelievable!

Even if it sounded too good to be true, I figured I could get my money back if it didn't work and try the other 'how to beat a speeding ticket' tricks I'd learned about, and it was so affordable compared to the speeding ticket cost, points, fines, and insurance hikes.

So I signed up for my membership and WOW, it worked like speeding ticket eraser magic! The judge was tripping over himself to dismiss my speeding ticket! I couldn't believe it, the stuff I've learned about how to beat a speeding ticket will last a lifetime. I feel empowered, armed, and ready in case any officer ever wants to write me a speeding ticket again.

I like the Free how to beat a speeding ticket Report where they summarize how the speeding ticket busting system works in a Free Report telling how to beat any speeding ticket using this fool-proof method called:

Ticket Busting Secrets: “How To Get Any Speeding Ticket Safely Dismissed!”

The Free Report tells you:
1. Get a time extension on your speeding ticket by calling or going to the county clerk's office.

2. Do NOT Plea! (and how to remove the plea they will illegally enter for you!) As soon as you plea you are contracting with the court and admitting guilt, even if you plea not guilty!

3. Ask for your dismissal because you are well within your rights.

4. Where to get pre-formatted documents you just put your name and speeding ticket number into and videos on what to say and where to file your papers.

5. So much more, laid out very simply it blew my mind how easy it can be!

Thanks for reading, and I wish you the best in life, find out how to beat a speeding ticket with your Free Speeding Ticket Secrets Report, get your speeding ticket busted, and get on with the good life!

~Damon Derringer

Speeding Ticket: How To Beat Any Speeding Ticket: Speeding Ticket Secrets: How To Get ANY Speeding Ticket Safely Dismissed!

Speeding Ticket Secrets: How To Beat a Speeding Ticket

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